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Saturday, April 22, 2017


Hello, hi, and welcome! For today's post, I am doing something different. I am expressing all my rave about the new song Paramore has released with their new album (woot woot) available on the 12th of May! 

Without further ado, let's begin!

First of all, if by chance you still have not listened to Paramore's new single, "Hard Times", then what are you doing? Listen to it now! I'll link it down below.

Just a bit of a disclaimer, I may or may not be a little bit biased into expressing my thoughts on this song. Most of you might not know this, but I LOVE PARAMORE. Most of my preteen to teen days have been heavily spent on listening and singing their songs. Still Into You, Ain't it Fun and much more were my jam back then (and up to now, let's be honest). I mean, I love Adele and Ed Sheeran as well but they were introduced to me now that I am a bit older, all of my obsessions back then were poured into Paramore songs. 

Sunday, April 9, 2017


How to Get Away with Murder also known shorter as HTGAWM, is a television show I've heard about almost everywhere. I've seen how people raved about it on facebook, heard how Viola Davis (which is an actress I really love) won an Emmy in that show, and read nothing but good news about it on social media, so I was more than very excited to actually immerse myself into this highly talked about TV show.

And finally, after months of doubting whether I should watch it or not, today (or at least the day I am drafting this post, lol), 28th of February 2017, I have finally watched the pilot episode of the 1st season for How to Get Away with Murder!

Before finally reviewing this amazing pilot of HTGAWM, I'd just like to let it out that I am more than aware that this certain episode is not a new release, nonetheless I am still determined to put up this review not only for me to share what I feel but also a way of expressing my excitement as a stress reliever and as something to look back on.

Let's begin! 

Episode Title: Pilot

Episode First Aired: September 25, 2014

Director: Michael Offer

Written by: Peter Nowalk

Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller, Mystery

Runtime: 43 minutes

Synopsis: Student Wes Gibbins begins attending law classes taught by renowned lawyer, the tough and enigmatic Annalise Keating. She offers five students the chance to work with her, while in a flash forward, the students chosen dispose of a body.


This episode was amazing. I am giving it an 8.5 out 10