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Friday, January 16, 2015


Hi Readers! 

My regular Readers know that Reading with Luigi originally created daily tags for each day in a week. This contains Mondays with Movies from Books, Tuesdays with Tips to Readers, Wednesdays with What I Like, Thursdays with Book Tags on Social Media, Fridays with First Times and Most Favorites, and Weekends with Bookstores, which I have posted a lot of topics. 

Yesterday, as I was watching the Divergent movie (which was SO GOOD!) I realized I want to review the movie on it's own and with the book along with it. Then I thought, I'd make a draft and post it on Monday. But my tags focuses on Books to Movies, not Movies alone. I, also thought that I need to be more active regarding the different tags that I created.

So, I decided to group, change, and improve them.

Mondays with Movies from Books will plainly just be Movie Reviews. This time, we'll talk about the Movie itself (sounds, edits, effects, character-choice) and, separately, the Movie as a whole from books. This way I can express my opinions to the Director and how he/they changed it from the book. Cause, I know a lot of us only hate the Movie because it's not like the book, right? I had this experience in the Percy Jackson Movies. I loved the Movie! but my opinion has to faces because it was very very different from the book.

Tuesdays with Tips to Readers will plainly be Tips to Readers. Nothing actually changed. xD I just allowed mysle to post any day I want.

Wednesdays with What I Like, Thursdays with Book Tags on Social Media, and Friday with First Times and Most Favorites will now be part of Book Updates. Book Updates also include Book tags. This is basically just updates from me, or something I want to post. This may also include hauls.

Weekends with Bookstores will be Featured Bookstore. Nothing has changed at this one, well except the title. xD

The "Special Topics" that I've posted will be included in the Book News. Which is basically just telling/sharing to you recent events and happenings in the book community and related to it.

All the book events (if there will be any, hopefully) will be under the Event Recap

I will also update my "Rating/Review Policy." because I will be adding Movie Rating Policy. And will also put up new pages dedicated to the "About Me" section and the "Extras" that Includes all the tags.

As everyone might notice, I've also changed my blog header and my farewell greeting (is that it? xD).

Happy Weekend!

Shoutout to Kim Stephen Bejerano, who helped me out to finalize some details about the new and improved Reading with Luigi. And so to Ate Erika Eneco, who always helps me out. (Click on their names to redirect you on their accounts)

P.S. In order to preserve my trial and error development/improvement. I will not change the farewell note of the past posts I've posted. Tho, Book reviews are exempted because I'm developing ALL the book review posts that I've posted for better reading and convenience of my so-wonderful-readers.

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