Hello wonderful Readers!
So I am here today with another tag. It originated in youtube and has been done by a lot of awesome booktubers like jessethereader, maureenkeavy, etc! It was created by Kristina Horner (click here to see her video) and I absolutely love the concept of the tag, so I am here to bring it (or bring it back) to the book blogger community and enjoy it with you guys!
So basically, it's all about the previous Inside Out movie from Disney and Pixar which I absolutely loved and watched for like a ton of times. There will be five different questions surrounding the main characters in the story -- Joy, Sadness, Disgust, Anger, and Fear and you'll just have to answer that honestly and tell which book fits on the question. Simple isn't? I bet this is fun!
Let's begin!
P.S. Please excuse my handwriting and my editing and lighting and all. I am trying my best. XD
1. JOY - Which book brings you the most Joy?
- What else to pick than my most favorite book by my most favorite fantasy author and the book that became the reason of me reading today, right? You got it right, Percy Jackson and The Olympians: The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan is the book that brings me most joy. Actually, the whole series does, but this book is extra special. It's about a boy named Percy Jackson which apparently is a demigod. After spending almost all his childhood as a regular dyslexic human being, he now's wanders off to Camp Half Blood, the only safe place for demigods like him. After entering camp, he then gets the accusation of stealing the Lightning Bolt, which is the weapon of the god of thunder, Zeus. Then the story revolves around that with so much sassy-ness, fun, adventures, and all of that. This book is the most amazing book ever. Just hearing the word "Percy Jackson" quickly makes me happy, It's literally the best book for me. When you associate the word "Joy" with "Books", this instantly comes to mind. It's so light yet fun and filled with lessons and all. It's just so so good and funny. If you haven't read it, you're missing a lot. So just read it and join me, admiring the powers of Rick Riordan.
2. DISGUST - Which book grossed you out the most?

- Now, this question is quite hard. I picked the book that grossed me, not because I hate the story, but because of some things in it. I chose, Fly on the Wall by E. Lockhart. It's about a girl named Gretchen Kaufman Yee who is an art student and a love of anything Spider Man. He always observes a group of guys, the Art Rats who is kind of loud, sweet, and all of those things. Titus, is the apple of her eye, she finds Titus attractive and smart. She then wishes to be a fly on the wall on the boy's locker room, just to get to know the boys more and their secrets. Suddenly, she becomes a fly on the wall on the boy's locker room. And then she sees everything. Don't get me wrong, I love this book! Rated it like 4 out of 5 stars. It was a good read. It shows a girl's perspective of boy's secret and all of that. But it kind of gets a little gross at the locker part because she sees everything that boys like me hides. From stinky things to unpractical hygiene, you'll shortly find it there. This book also has romance, by the way. It's a fast paced read and is a light, cute one. Grab this book if you can.
3. FEAR - The book that scared you more than anything.
- This was hard because I don't read much of horror or thriller books, I am more to the dystopia - fantasy side. So, I decided to pick a book that scared me because I was shocked of some of the events and afraid on what might happen next. I picked The Young Elites by Marie Lu. It's about three main character, namely Adelina Amouteru, Teren Santoro, and Enzo Valenciano and their lives after the Blood fever. The blood fever is kind of a deadly illness that swept through their land. Adelina is a malfetto, an abomination--her father believes. A malfetto is those left with marks after the blood fever. Some of the malfettos is believed to have supernatural powers and Enzo leads the Dagger Society, a group of young elites or those with abilities against the inquisition. Teren works for the king, he seeks out the young elites and destroys them. Their lives unfold as Adelina discovers her powers on an encounter with his father. Their lives collide as Adelina avenges herself. Isn't that cool? My explanation quite sucks so better watch out for my book review coming very soon! I really liked this book. It kept my heart beating from the very first page up to the last. It scared me more than I expected. This book is something to watch out! Marie Lu is the queen. You should go read this, now!
4. SADNESS - Which book made you cry the hardest?
- I probably have the most cliche answer here, but I'll be super honest. The Fault in Our Stars by the one and only John Green. I mean yes, there are other books but I had to say the first book that made me almost cry. I haven't actually cried (like literally) in a book but this one came close. Do I have to tell you what's it about? Well, it'a about Hazel Grace Lancaster and the poetic Augustus Waters as they go on a journey of love and life. With their sickness and all, they find happiness. And the story pretty much revolves their and the support group. This book is amazing. It's cute and fun and heartbreaking and all. It's just wonderful and poetic and filled with cute majestic metaphors.
5. ANGER - Which book pissed you off?
- Now this didn't piss me off because it was bad. It just made me like "just do it" and all. It's Looking for Alaska by John Green. It follows Miles "Pudge" Halter as he journeys through life and all. Miles is an admirer of people's last words. He's fascinated about that. He meets the ever mysterious Alaska and slowly falls in love with it. That was before and after? Everything is never the same. This book is about life and about how everyone affects everyone. I really liked this book, it'll make you wonder. But, there were just moments when I was like, "just do it, Miles", "why won't you do it?", and all. It started out as disgust but developed into anger. There was also a part in the ending where I was so pissed off at a certain character but I quit understand him. This book is great, don't get me wrong. Read it and you'll understand me.
And that is it for today's post! As a book tag tradition, I should tag other bloggers as well! I tag:
and Everyone reading this! (because I am too lazy to tag every blogger that I know)
Thank you so much for staying up to this far! I hope you had lots of fun, because I did! *hugs*
I hope you guys liked and enjoyed the colors and all the efforts! Haha. It may look easy but I've put a lot of effort to be able to put that up together. I hope you guys have a cool and wonderful December filled with Joy! New posts will be up very soon, so, let's begin again then?