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Sunday, January 1, 2017


Hello, hi, and welcome to my blog! I cannot believe that it has been months since I last "officially" blogged. Literally. Recalled my last post? If not, this post would make a little less sense so I suggest check it out, here.

First of all, I wish everyone the happiest new year! May we all have the best year of our lives and may we finally do that thing we always wanted to do. I also would like to thank some special people for helping me revamp the blog. You know who you are!

You cannot believe how excited I am drafting this post. The blog has been under so much changes the past months as I revamped my whole blog. The main thing you would notice would be the change of name, from Reading with Luigi to Paradoxical Grenade. More will be explained below as I release the writer in me.

A little bit of explanation, most of the things you'd be seeing here would either be on the sidebar or on my "About" page since I am explaining the roots of this blog to you guys.

I am literally feeling butterflies on my stomach and I cannot wait for you guys to see the new updates this blog has. Before introducing myself and the blog. I'd like to explain the changes I've made. First of all, the overall theme has been drastically changed, from bookish to space theme. I've also upgraded the menu tabs above to the drop down menu that makes your experience more convenient. Also, the sidebar has been changed and you can simply click the names of the social media you'd like to visit and give a look. I'd also like to remind everyone that every new feature I'd be putting on the blog would just be added as the weeks pass by. So many menus such as comic reviews, monthly favorites, literary works, etc. that you can click would be empty as of now. Rest assured that more would be added as I post new things here. 

Nonetheless, let's get started!

This post will solely be dedicated to everything I can publicly say about myself and this blog. This happens to be the exact same content you would fin on the about page on my blog, lol.

Who am I?

I am Matt Luigi, I go by both names together or either of the two. I reside in a small home in a very busy town at Malolos, Bulacan which is located in the mesmerizing tropical country, the Philippines. I am a teenager in 9th Grade as of the moment. I have a weird preference for things that I like and I don't like. Few things I adore doing are reading, writing, watching movies/tv shows, eating (of course), admiring life and talking about it, and more! Strangely, I have a regular habit of reflecting about how life is wonderful for all of us and how our nature and ecosystem is wonderfully designed along with every known and unknown creatures in it. Weirdness aside, I also like talking about science and scientific theories so I might discuss those too here on my blog. Right now, I am obsessed with the multi-verse theory and theories like it. Okay, maybe that was also weird. Is it? I guess I'll never know. Things I don't like, you say? Well I try not to think of the negative things as life is too short for it, but to give you a brief idea here's a three-word phrase that sums up all of the things I don't like with people, lack of appreciation. 

What more? Hmm. Well I am a very anxious introvert and I think that this blog would help me express. Although, when I'm with my friends, I can get way overboard with my attitude and get all hyped in which I can be a very different person. Some say I might be an ambivert but I'm not really certain at classifying myself into a group. I befriend everyone as much as I can so often that it's hard for me to choose which type of people I'll be with. I'm divergent, really! Haha. 

Why did you start blogging?

I started blogging for the joyous sake of expressing what I feel. As most of my older "readers" know, this blog was actually under the name of Reading with Luigi for more than two years when I started last July 2014. Back then, this blog is purely about books and everything surrounding it. As explained throughout my posts last 2016, I have grown different hobbies and opened up new doors that made me more than just a reader -- thus, the decision to change this 2017 from the book blogger who runs Reading with Luigi, to the everything blogger who manages Paradoxical Grenade.

Why did you choose to name your blog that way?

I named my blog Paradoxical Grenade roughly because of what I often feel. If you know The Perks of Being the Wallflower (which you should check out both the book and movie if you haven't, it is amazing), there's this famous quote said by Charlie, the main character there, that goes "So, this is my life. And I want you to know that I am both happy and sad and I'm still trying to figure out how that could be." That line just directly shot me in the heart as to how accurate it is for me. Upon further research I happened to have found a word that perfectly fits the meaning of the quote which is the word "Paradox". According to Merriam-Webster, the word means "a statement that is seemingly contradictory or opposed to common sense and yet is perhaps true", making Paradox the perfect word to describe how I often feel. And I'm not just talking about being both happy and sad, I often break the barrier people put to others.Those people who say that you can only do a thing or two in your life have no idea how wrong they are. Also, I'm the type of person that knows how to fix a situation but still dwells on the negativity it carries which I know is weird. I am never only a thing, I believe. I'm always complex and I am never that simple to figure out, even for myself. Now for the word "Grenade", there are a handful of reasons as to why I choose that name. On a personal note, I think I always put an impact and make a big deal on everything that affects me similar to how a grenade would do. I always give too much. I get too happy, too sad, give too much effort, and the list goes on. Another thing is what I like to call my motivation as to how much impact I can voice out to others using the blog of mine. That I can make use of the privileges that I have to share what I know and somehow help others. I think both names heavily reflect myself and my goals in making this blog.

What can we expect on your blog?

Expect nothing. That is what I can say. Don't expect anything as to I am never the same person everyday. There will be months in which I'd be jam-packed with contents and there will be months in which I can hardly post at all. So, as much as possible I won't be promising any content to be posted on a specific date.

What you can expect when I post new things though is I would never post something I think is irrelevant. I'll be a hundred percent honest on my reviews, features, and such. I may not have originally thought of some of the things I have posted here, I would make certain to add my own touch and weirdness to it. I would also (try at the very least to) do my best to post things which I think are fun, things you can get a lesson or two from, and things which would keep you entertained. I'll do all what I can to make this blog worth your time!


Again, everything is sorta new here, so expect some glitches and problems once in a while. Please do tell me if you experience some technicalities so I can do everything I can to fix things. I'll also do my best to update all the page as soon as possible! 

And keep your eyes peeled for an upcoming giveaway very soon! *wink*

Wrapping everything up, I hope you enjoy your stay here in my blog and may the universe contrive to bring happiness to all of you!


  1. Happy new year, Luigi! I also have two names which is Alyssa Marinella but I mainly use my first name since my second one is quite mouthful. Hahaha. XD

    1. Happy New Year, Alyssa! That is so cool. I've got to agree Marinella is quite hard to pronounce casually. XD Strange thing tho, when I was a child I was always fascinated with the name "Matt" but my friends wanted to call me Luigi so I am know well known with my second name. XD

  2. Happy New Year, Luigi! It's so nice seeing you blogging again. <33 Hope to see you IRL soon! <3 #Bloghop2017

    1. Happy New Year, Jasmine! Thank you so much for visiting my blog and hosting #Bloghop2017! It was really fun! Hope to see you as well! :D

  3. Awyis get in with the new this 2017! Hope you find amazing reads this year! Happy blogging! <3

    Blessie @ Mischievous Reads

    1. Hi Blessie! Happy New Year! I really hope that would be the case. The reader in me has been quite dormant. Thank you! Happy blogging to you as well! :D
