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Tuesday, March 22, 2016


~ Welcome to Day 5 of #29DaysWithLuigi ~

Hi Readers! I'll be doing the "25 Bookish Facts About Me" Book Tag! I've been seeing some of my favorite booktubers do this tag, namely PeruseProject (Regan), Abookutopia (Sasha), JessetheReader (Jesse), and ReadbyZoe (Zoe). So, I was very much looking forward into doing this tag as well! 

So here are 25 Bookish Facts About Me, some of them are confession but who cares right? 

Let's begin!

1. I love collecting hardbacks but I prefer reading paperbacks.
  • I really admire and am fascinated about how hardbacks are appealing to the eyes. I just really love to see them on my shelf and they look beautiful when naked. Although, when reading, I prefer floppy paperbacks. Not just ordinary paperbacks, floppy paperbacks. It's just so comfy to read and is very convenient.

2. I do not enjoy reading eBooks.
  • Now, I'm not being picky here, I just can't read eBooks. It hurts my eyes and I observed that I read less when I read eBooks.

3. I usually read at night, before I go to sleep.
  • Sometime between 9 PM - 2 AM. I sleep very late.

4. I love to read when it's cold.
  • I cannot read when it's hot, I mean who does right? But I prefer to read when it's cold, not even warm, literally cold. 

5. I cannot read when it is raining.
  • I admire those who do, but I just can't. It's too noisy and I really get distracted easily by the raindrops.

6. I easily get distracted while reading.
  • I just.

7. I prefer to read on very quiet places.
  • Supporting #6, I just can't read knowing there's a tiny bit of noise. I prefer deafening silence when reading. I just want a very private relationship with the book that I am reading, lol.

8. I do not like to read in public.
  • I don't like people disturbing me for a millisecond while I am reading. Lol.

9. I usually take down notes while reading.

10. But, I usually tend to forget to take down notes on fast-paced sci-fi/dystopian novels.
  • I just love that genre too much that I forget the world around me even exists.

11. I usually have very slow progress when reading.
  • and this is not because I read slowly, this is because I am very picky with the place I read, the time I read, the temperature when I read, and all of the things. I am in fact a fast reader, but because of these factors, I tend to have lesser reading times.

12. I am more of a sci-fi/dystopian/fantasy reader than a cute/contemporary/romance reader.

13. I prefer dystopian, sci-fi, or fantasy books with a little bit of romance in it, but not too much.

14. I prefer first person point-of-view.
  • I am in fact, having trouble reading 3rd person. Hence, I still haven't read some of the best series out there. I just wish to be able to read 3rd person someday.

15. I prefer male's perspective.
  • I am totally not contradicting gender equality, I just find male's perspective more interesting. Maybe because I am a boy?  I find girls too expressive about their feelings than men. 

16. I have not read the Harry Potter series nor the Mortal Instruments series.
  • I am sorry but I just can't at the moment. They are both 3rd person and I can't seem to strengthen my desire to read it. Although, I have been loving the Shadowhunters TV Show, so I'll probably push through TMI.

17. I am a sucker at guessing what will happen next, thus I easily get surprised with how the plot turns out to be.

18. I seem to have liked unfaithful book-to-movie adaptations.
  • I mean they are still great despite their unfaithfulness to the books, right?

19. I am a lover of Greek Mythology.

20. When I do not like the book, I immediately stop reading it.
  • I easily DNF a book. I just believe that reading should be fun and not forced. Although, not finishing a book doesn't mean I would never read it. I would still read it, just not at the moment.

21. I love it when there's something special about the book I purchased.
  • I just love beautiful naked covers, free bookmarks, or special editions in books! I mean books aren't that cheap right? Why not add something to it? 

22. I am bad at finishing series.
  • I just don't know why.

23. I seem to finish a lot of trilogies and tend to enjoy them more than stand-alones and series.

24. I need to have caffeine before, after, or while reading.
  • I mean I just need to. May it be coffee, hot choco, or such.

25. I never have fully cried because of a book.
  • I mean, yes, I was almost in tears but not actually in tears. I just don't know why, have you cried for a book?

And that's it for today's post!


I tag JM from Book Freak Revelations, Raffy from Eccentric Everything, Jasmine from Jasmine Pearl Reads, Erika from the Nocturnal Fey, and everyone who is reading this!

Thank you once again for visiting my blog! I'm so happy that I survived Day 5 of #29DaysWithLuigi! Lol. 

Anyways, do we share the same facts? What facts do we have in common? What weird things do you do when reading? Let's talk about them on the comments!


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