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Wednesday, March 23, 2016


~ Welcome to Day 6 of #29DaysWithLuigi ~

Today's post is more of an explanation of the poems, rants, and such that I will be posting in part of #29DaysWithLuigi!

As you all know, I have another blog named Matt Luigi. It's more of a personal blog. I have recently posted an addition to the #29DaysWithLuigi which is more of an essay-type.

I have posted on why my I chose the statement "Read More!" to end every post of mine. So better check it out on the link below.

Link: https://mattluigi.wordpress.com/2016/03/23/read-more/


To kind of give you an intro to what that post will contain, I'll be posting an excerpt below.

"The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go." A quote from Dr. Seuss that tells us that learning from reading would bring us good things. The famous author believes that reading other's works could make us better beings, and I do too so. It gives a lot of things, lessons, and discoveries in life that develops us.

First, it would help us widen our knowledge about what is around us. It would help us deepen our understanding on how things are and should be going. It would help us understand others’ mistakes and how we could avoid them. It would give us tips and we could learn from their experiences to help us become better individuals. It could help us handle situations and circumstances that come in our way.

To continue reading, check out this link, or the link above!


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